Fri, 26 September 2014
"I hate the architect." Another dose of self-loathing from the Doctor? Or has he just watched 'The Towering Inferno' once too often? Well it's one of many questions and many twists in the oh-so-tricky Time Heist - a tale of the cloned mega-rich, sunken-headed criminals, a love-lorn mind muncher and a motley crue of amnesiac bank robbers. One's a top-drawer impressionist, another is wired for data, and a third might end up being late for a much less important date. All are called to heel by some unnaturally assertive eyebrows. Why are they there? What are they trying to steal? And what exactly did that naughty Sensorite get up to? Jim and Rob do some detective work and try to crack the incredible case of the Successful Steve Thompson Story. Listen in to see how they got on.