Sun, 24 January 2021
You may think life can’t get much worse at the moment but locked-down Brexity Britain looks positively idyllic compared to Blighty under the rubber skirt of Dalek rule. This septic isle is overrun with motorised dustbins, headphone-wearing dullards who’ve really let themselves go and the most unrealistic pet since K9. The Doctor falls on his coccyx, Susan falls in love, Ian falls out of a door and Babs falls in with a rough crowd and TWOKs a dustcart. Luckily, a fratricidal fellow rebel lends two hands and Mr Rumbold lends his ears but the perma-grumpy Mrs Briers fails to stop Babs succumbing to crones. Would you buy a used mattress from a Dalek? Is the entry exam for the Roboman Academy too difficult? How many floating corpses would it take to put you off a glass of water? And did Jim and Martin find The Dalek Invasion of Earth to be a glorious triumph or a misbegotten folly? Listen to find out! The lads also review the audiobooks of Fury From The Deep and The Awakening. Also available on Spotify.